Saturday, October 15, 2011

A new season...

As I begin this new season of my life in Dallas, Texas I look back and stand in awe at how far the Lord has brought me. Continually, I am amazed at how intensely the Lord has worked in my heart and life. This will be my second year with Dance Revolution. I am now an Ingredients Company Apprentice. We currently finished the sixth week in this nine month program. I feel like coming back this year I am more confident and free not only as a person but as a mover/ dancer.
Ingredients consists not only of dance technique and choreography classes such as ballet, modern, jazz, contemporary, and hip hop but also includes biblical application, leadership, ministry and worship opportunities. As a dance company we get to tour with Dance Revolution, a convention/weekend workshop for other dancers. This year we will be touring in Orlando, Florida; Dallas, Texas; Chicago, Illinois; and Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Throughout these weekends we get to share and minister to those in attendance through the beautiful art form of worship called dance. We put together several pieces and a production that displays messages and truths of our Savior Jesus Christ. Recently, we have finished two of our pieces which are to be incredible and powerful! Please pray for the Lord’s anointing to be in each dance that is presented anywhere we are called to and whomever the audience may be!
Entering into this season I honestly was confused about my position, uncertain, negative, prejudice and had an expectation of how I thought this year was supposed to play out. The Lord definitely nipped it in the bud by showing me that my first lesson in this season is on humility. Humility is something rare in this world because it calls for complete selflessness and full surrender of my will. The more I think, the more I realize how much pride and selfishness I have in my life. And the more I understand humility, the more I realize it’s not about me! Such a simple statement, but so hard to comprehend and live out. Though sometimes being humbled feels like a time of suffering…it really is NOT. It’s not something we should suffer through instead it’s something we should delight in. It is a sweet, intimate time of servant hood and really getting to know God’s character while strengthening our own to become more like He truly is.
 “We are not made for the mountains, for sunrises, or other beautiful attractions- those are simply intended to be moments of inspiration. We were made for the valley and the ordinary things in life, which is where we have to prove our stamina and strength.” “We SEE His glory on the mountain, but it’s in the valley where we have to LIVE for His glory.” “It is in the place of humiliation that we find our true worth to God- that’s where our faithfulness is revealed!” (Oswald Chambers, Utmost for His Highest)
“Humble yourself and you will see that Love is spreading a carpet of flowers beneath your feet.” “Nothing my Father has made is ever wasted and the little wild flowers have a wonderful lesson to teach. They offer themselves so sweetly, confidently, and willingly, even if it seems that there is no one to appreciate them.” (Hannah Hurnard, Hind Feet in High Places)
One way the Lord has challenged me in humility is by my obedience to do a few college classes. I really don’t desire to do college, but I am learning that sometimes God calls us to do hard things to test our obedience and to refine/strengthen our character. I’m really working on and trying to keep good time management with my schoolwork, stay positive, and do everything to my best ability for the glory of God. Prayer and encouragement our very much appreciated in this particular area of my life.
Apart from school and Ingredients, I have a job. I am so blessed to teach two hip hop classes, a jazz class, and three solos. Teaching is my passion and going a year without it has been dehydrating! I love being able to help others grasp concepts of movement and how to worship through movement. Teaching has also made me realize how much I have learned throughout the years. Being able to pass it on and help others attain it brings me great joy! I am eager to see what each new day holds and what God will do in and through me this year. Praise Him for His goodness and faithfulness!

1 comment:

    Wow. This is good stuff. I'm so glad I'm a part of this with you!!
    I love those quotes and how you explained humility. Beautiful, inspiring, you are! Keep writing, yay! <3
